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Her ass cheeks ground against me each time I buried myself in her, and as I looked down I could see her pussy lips wrapped around my wet cock. We were in our own fuck rhythm, rocking against each other, deriving our pleasure each from the other.After a few more moments, I reached across her, grabbed a bed pillow, slipped it under her hips and pushed her down on it. I lay on her with my hard cock still buried in her cunt and started stroking it into her again. She was breathing hard and I. I knew the others in this family would be here doing the same and having the same feelings as I am far into their future.I awoke early in the morning and was a little disoriented until I remembered that we were still at the farmhouse we had driven too yesterday. The sky outside was just starting to get it’s predawn glow when Andy and I stirred. We had made our way into the house last night and had settled into one of the girl’s beds since the kids were doubling up and Mini and Betty were. As Enoch restored his penis to her crotch and brutally thrust it back in, she contemplated bitterly the day when her virginity was torn away from her in blood, sweat and tears, leaving her collapsed on the ground, moaning and wailing, with the ache and agony of a pain that emanated from somewhere inside her violated crotch. To the side of her was her mother in similar agony, no doubt exacerbated by seeing the same happen to her daughter so soon before the sacred ceremony in which she would have. The work week from hell started with us introducing a shy, sad looking boy in our group of five-to-six year olds. Since five and six year old children are naturally curious and full of questions about everything, the shy little boy was absolutely swimming in questions about where he was from, where he lived, if he had any brothers or sisters, if he had a dog or a cat, if he had any computer games and so on… and on… and on. I was working the lunch-afternoon-evening shift and hadn’t been there.
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